Company Statement

BerryMex is at 100 Percent Capacity with its Workforce

BerryMex, an agriculture leader in the San Quintin Valley in Baja California, remains committed to helping stabilize local communities, ensuring the safety and fair treatment of its employees and getting workers back into the fields during a peak harvest period, when they have the most earning potential for themselves and their families.

As of today, 100 percent of the BerryMex workforce has returned to work after offering its more than 4,000 workers higher wages, including an average earning opportunity of between $5.00 to $9.00 (USD) per hour, resulting in the average weekly earnings of $3,600.00 pesos to 7,200.00 pesos.

This pay increase means that each individual now has an average earning potential of 6 to 10 times Mexico’s minimum Federal wage and as much as 16 times for higher performing workers.

While protests took place, BerryMex placed an emphasis on protecting the safety and well-being of its workers as well as ensuring every worker were paid for the full week.

BerryMex is grateful for the continued support from its workers throughout this process and will continue to keep an open dialogue as to their needs and concerns now and into the future.
