Three years ago, seeing the need for housing in San Quintin, BerryMex built and opened Villa de las Fresas, one of the most respectful and pleasant migrant worker housing in all of Mexico. It was built to U.S. labor housing codes, meeting all Mexican design standards and includes an onsite cafeteria, medical clinic, grocery store, basketball courts and soccer field. Above all, it is a place of respect, demonstrating dignity for our workers and proper living conditions.
- Villas de Las Fresas was built to house a maximum capacity of 544 people. 68 houses designed to accommodate 8 people per home.
- Free farm worker housing which includes electricity, water, electric stoves, diningtables and benches, individual beds, 2 full bathrooms, shelves in each bedroom, cleaning items, trash cans and inside patio with laundry sink and clothing lines.
- Fresh water for drinking and recycled water for sewer and landscape from on-site water treatment plant.
- On-site grocery store provided by a local outside vendor.
- 2 meals a day for $1.15 each, with BerryMex subsidizing the remaining cost of 50% of the meals, as an extra benefit to the workers.
- Free transportation to and from the housing facilities to the ranches.
- Medical clinic with 2 nurses and a doctor on site.
- Dining Room and Outdoor Seating Area.
- Soccer field and basketball court for healthy recreational opportunities.
- Full security system (CCTV) to provide a safe environment for workers to live.
- Wi-Fi Area for our workers communication.
- In March of 2015, the Villas reached a capacity of 495 people.

BerryMex partnered with IMSS to provide our field workers with the facilities and equipment needed for the clinic as well the medical supplies that are provided cost free, including doctors and nurses. The government in turn provides through IMSS the follow- up on any cases that require further medical attention referred by our doctors to administer their proper healthcare. This year, BerryMex is looking to continue the partnership with IMSS in opening the Villa de Las Fresas Clinic to the general community of San Quintin.
- Act as the primary care in patient assessment
- Channel employee to the healthcare agency necessary for proper care
- Develop and implement prevention programs in the area of self-care and health
- Promote the participation of workers in activities promoting health (health campaigns)