Company Statement

BerryMex Statement

At BerryMex, we respect everyone’s right to peacefully protest and value the dialogue established by this process. However, we strongly condemn the violence and looting from outside third parties which has negatively impacted families and small businesses across the region. Our primary focus continues to be towards the well-being of our employees and we are working with local authorities to ensure the safety of our workers and the local community.

As a company, BerryMex provides each and every one of our employees the opportunity for
robust earning potential, a safe working environment and a culture which places an emphasis on honesty, fairness and respect.

We know that actions speak louder than words and BerryMex has a long and established history of listening to worker concerns and taking action to provide them with the most comprehensive benefits, attractive earning capacity, and a healthy, safe and productive working environment.

To that end, BerryMex complies with the following:

• Utilizing innovation and technology to enable workers greater earning potential over time

• Ensuring all employees are enrolled in IMSS from their first day

• Providing all employees with legally required benefits

• Complying with all provisions of the Federal Labor Law, including overtime after 8 hours
and all weekly overtime hours accumulated during the week

• Providing maternity leave 42 days before AND 42 days after birth

• Providing five days of paid paternity leave to male employees

• Enforcing zero tolerance towards sexual harassment and providing annual training for
managers to ensure a culture of honesty, fairness and respect

We remain fully committed to an open dialogue with our employees and will continuously strive to provide the most ideal working environment.

Hector Lujan
COO, BerryMex
